+ 18
🤓✍️. AIM. ✍️🤓
What is your present /past/future AIM......? My past AIM was to win 1000 challenges In total. My present AIM is to win 1000 challenges IN HTML. My future AIM is to learn/win 1000 challenges in JavaScript.
30 Respostas
+ 19
my aim is to win 2 challenges in a row
I'm a long way from that goal
+ 17
@Nikolay : You are just 200 challenges away from it.
+ 16
hmmm, I think everyone already knows mine 😂😂😂
+ 15
@Aibek T. - most likely tomorrow 😃
+ 15
present aim
1.complete 3k wins overall
future aims
1. achieve guru in each language
2. complete pie chart
3.gain 5k+ xp in each language
#biggest aim
# should be able to win challenges in any language with a perfect 5 [ with all weapons enabled]
+ 15
wanna be a best programmer 🙌
+ 10
@Ekansh - some have tried and the rumours are it's not impossible 😉
+ 10
My aim is to be web developer and help others to be
+ 9
@Krishna - yep,... working on it. 😉
+ 9
complete 1000 in html 😄
+ 9
We should make you moderator for that.
Krishna sure you're next!
+ 9
My Aim is to crack Sololearn 😹
[Just kidding]
+ 9
My AIM is to get some FAME 😉😂
+ 8
Be world no.1 in Python leadeeboard.
I nwed challenges dor that
+ 8
Get ready Nikolay!!!
+ 8
@Nikolay Agus should try to crack it so he can make it accordingly to himself ^_^
+ 8
learn as much as I can by following courses
contribute in q&a
start writing my own code
share what I've learned
help those who stumbles learning later
get a job?
+ 7
Nikolay must start reviewing quizzes after reaching level 17!
+ 7
Write the best CODE!!!
+ 7
nothing to do with SL specifically...
past aim
refresh my HTML and CSS skills, develop better vanilla JavaScript skills
current aim
Learn how to develop web apps that function, look and feel like android apps. (fill in some java skill here to supplement)
future aim
develop web apps that can be loaded in an APK and be indistinguishable from a regular app (using the aide app and sketchware for current purposes, eventually coding by hand)