My website so far - margin help.
https://code.sololearn.com/W46ziGe635bO Need feedback. Also how do I make the sides of my header fit the whole page without gaps?
4 Respostas
+ 5
I would add a fixed position to the top and I think that u have to put in margin and padding statements for making an general box model
+ 4
As previously said, the easiest fix is to set <body> margin to zero (so your 100% width <header> will really take the whole width available)...
However, you need a mainly container if you want add some margin/padding to the rest of your content ;P
Anyway, @JovanaD is right: <table> use for rendering layout is unadvised, because not followinf semantical recommendation ^^
Using a list, maybe in a <nav> container is the most obvious right semantical way, and you have several way to style it with css:
+ @JovanaD inline solution
+ the <table> without <table> solution:
ul {display:table; width:100%; margin:auto;}
li {display:table-cell;}
+ the 'FlexBox' solution:
ul {display:flex; justify-content:space-around; align-items:center; padding:0; list-style-type:none;}
+ and so on... ;)
+ 3
Make the margin of the body 0. The gap comes from it by default.
body { margin: 0; }
Your page looks pretty cool by the way :) I wouldn't use a table to make de navigation bar though.
Use a list instead and make them inline-block so it shows horizontaly and not verticaly and then you can use margin or padding to add the gap between the options.
Something like this:
ul li {
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: none;
margin: 15px;
But that's just a personal opinion. I think it's easier this way.
Thanks, in regards to the header, if I use left or right margin ,the header either moves one side or the other leaving a a gap either side whereas I want no gap either side.