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How do you get user input for boolean....example, if a user is 18 years (true/ fals)...code for tht
6 Respostas
@Ian so there is a function in java, Java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(string), which you could use.
Though, I believe I'd recommend simply using a if-case for booleans. That works the same in pretty much any language as well.
Also that allows you to parse something like "yes" and "no" to a bool. Remember to use toLowerCase to make it case-insensetive.
A simple example:
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Are you 18 years or older? (Yes/No): ") ;
String input = scanner.nextLine().toLowerCase() ;
if (input == "yes")
// do stuff
else if (input == "no")
// do other stuff
// user entered something else than yes or no
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In what language?
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If i got what you are asking: there is a code in c++. Hope it helps
in java
thanks alot laser. You a life saver
@Ian no problem mate