PLEASE HELP WITH A SHORT CODE! I missing something and can't find :c JS
My code should calculate how much time passed since student(patron) took a book. Can't calculate it from date he pick it up to current date. See code here: Here is what it should do: Write a loop that simulates checkouts and checkins for a 3 month period. Every day iterate over the catalog, and every person in the patrons array. If the patron currently has the book checked out then check it in. If it is not checked out then add it to the patrons list of books via the patrons read method. If the book is overdue then add a fine of $5.00 to the patron returning it. At the end of the 3 month period, display each patron, the books they have currently checked out and any fine they may have. If you use Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + i to open console and test it. Thanks!