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On what basis are XPs given in quizzes?
When I challenge a player having higher level than me, I'm awarded with more XPs but sometimes even a player with higher level whom i challenge are assigned low XP even before starting a quiz, how? Also on what basis are XPs deducted if you lose to player with a higher/lower level than you?
9 Respostas
+ 6
The XP allocation algorithm for challengers is based on language XP, and not user level. Although stated in official FAQ (www.sololearn.com/FAQ) that levels are taken into account, a lv16 user with no XP in Ruby, for example will earn more XP when challenging a lv10 user with high XP in the language.
+ 3
It depends, when the opponent does better than you the value will be obvious higher
+ 3
Not too much! Imagine 1000XP for one challenge!?! I think it's there for fair play policy
+ 2
Because for each answer correct, you get 1XP(Experienced learner) but since the match result is -1XP the answer bonuses will be added
For e.g.
2XP Answer bonuses
-1XP Match Result
1XP Total
So -1 + 2 equals 1XP
+ 1
But sometimes even if you lose, you get XPs instead of losing it (for example answer bonus =+4, match result= -1 and total xp=3). How?
+ 1
Ok! That's the scenario for experienced learners..
But why the highest XP that can be earned is just between (30 to 38) and a most you can lose is between (-29 to -21). Are these random figures based on XP algorithm?
+ 1
Yes it's fair play understood!
But my question was that, are these random numbers generated through XP algorithm with range already set only?
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+ 1
i believe the total XP is 33.
So, if it tells you you can win 32 XP against a high level, you will only loose 1 XP if you don't.
With the new challenge rules, you also get XP for right answers. So you will loose at worst 1 XP against a high level in a language (not necessary linked to his actual level): it is a good way to learn and get XP slowly but surely.