how to config codeigniter in nginx
I install nginx and config code egniter in there but when program want show controllers not working.and show error 404 not found .
4 Respostas
+ 8
I think this solution can help you:
+ 7
I'm not familiar with nginx, but the URLs must be written in a particular way in CodeIgniter. Make sure you're following that.
Welcome is the default controller and index is the default function. If you want to access this index function, just write:
For example, if your project name is MyNewProject, controller name is MyFirstController (must start with upper case) and function name is display(), then the url should be:
localhost(or server address)/MyNewProject/index.php/myFirstController/display
*(notice the lower case m in url)
** You can change the default controller from Application/config/routes.php
and base url from Application/config/config.php
thank you for answer . but I want config like htaccess ,in apache.
how I can config nginx like apache where use httaccsss mod-rewrite .merci
before I read this ,but this solution not worked . 😧😧😧😧