+ 3
Can we suggest a challenge for sql in php weapon, because of the relationship of both? Or have to wait ?
And can I suggest a jQuery or Ajax quizzes in JavaScript weapon ?
7 Respostas
+ 5
Well I guess SQL wouldn't be in php weapon because if we learn PhP we should learn SQL
//It is so hard to really understanding both of it .
And Ajax/JQuery in JavaScript well same like SQL need to learn both of it
**Solo learn don't have Ajax Course .
But maybe it can be ?? //Who knows?
About relationship about PNP and SQL / ajax/jquery and JavaScript it's to far away.😐
+ 4
@Mugfirfauzy ya...
+ 3
It would be a nice idea but lesson on sololearn are too simple for these kind of challenges.
+ 3
@Mugfirfauzy, boleh juga idenya gan, tapi di courses-nya berarti harus digabungin juga php+sql, JavaScript+AJAX+jQuery.
+ 3
@Ipang Iya, bisa digabungkan, atau di buat masing2..
Yes, the courses can be combined, can also be separated..
+ 2
@Farshad just make simple questions too for the challenge
+ 1
@ArtemisAthena456 Hmm.. so we just waiting sololearn make each weapon for each language that doesn't exist, yet..