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Java code
class VolumeCrayonObjet { public Static void main(String args[]) { Crayon leCrayon; leCrayon = new Crayon(50,10f); leCrayon.affiche(); System.out.println("volume="+leCrayon.volume()); } } > please any one can explaine to me this code
1 Resposta
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A Crayon is created with 50 and 10f passed as arguments to the constructor.
I can only assume the constructor is something like this:
Crayon(int a, float b){}
Then the affiche method is called from the created Crayon. Whatever that does.
Then the volume of the Crayon that was created is printed. Whatever volume is supposed to mean. I assume it's a getter for the instance variable.
Not much more information can be given with the information presented in the question.
I'm assuming the Crayon class isn't something from a Java Library. But even then since idk that library, we'd need to see more code.