+ 28

How to be a professional programmer?

As we all know SL is just for basics of any language. I have here completed java. I want to listen from some professional like @Ace and other. Professionals got priority but anyone can answer🙂 🔷 where should i go next. 🔷 How they study? 🔷 From which website/where they learn advanced programming? 🔷 How they build up algorithm? 🔷 Suggests me some better place to learn tricky/Interview type question? 🔷 Most important how they get job? Normally what type of questions are asked to a freshers.

23rd Jul 2017, 5:11 PM
Fuyuka Ayumi(冬花)
17 Respostas
+ 16
To become aprofessional one, all you need to do is go out and convince someone to pay you to build them a website. For a lot of potential clients, all you need to say is that you're good with computers. One of the things young people aren't told is that a great way to get started at anything is to  That means that in order to meet that website building agreement, knowing nothing about programming, you're gonna be doing a whole lot of googling, spending a lot of time on StackOverflow and doing lots of frantic copy and pasting. As it turns out, that's pretty much what real professional programming is all about. Then you might find that you actually like programming, and the whole "write a lot of code", "learn the coolest tools", "learn good practices" etc will become more of a hobby that happens to make your bread-making job more enjoyable. This article is from Quora....
23rd Jul 2017, 5:32 PM
💞ⓢⓦⓐⓣⓘ💞 - avatar
+ 14
@Andres that question is different. I saw that... It contains answers like get a job first as it will be hard to freelance at start. I want Steps/Guide which i could follow to be a professional😅 Like some useful Websites/Books/Resources🙂
23rd Jul 2017, 5:29 PM
Fuyuka Ayumi(冬花)
+ 11
what are you interested in web development, native android development, game development ?
23rd Jul 2017, 5:50 PM
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna - avatar
+ 11
@Lord Native Android should be fine i guess🙂
23rd Jul 2017, 5:53 PM
Fuyuka Ayumi(冬花)
+ 11
@Fuyuka okay I have a resource but it is deep and comprehensive will it be okay ?
23rd Jul 2017, 5:55 PM
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna - avatar
+ 10
There is a trending post about Professional Programming https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/552928/?ref=app
23rd Jul 2017, 5:24 PM
Andrés04_ve - avatar
+ 10
okay assuming someone is hungry for comprehensive info in native android app development this is the resource to follow (beware it is deep) https://github.com/P1xt/p1xt-guides/blob/master/android-native.md
23rd Jul 2017, 6:41 PM
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna - avatar
+ 8
I can't help you with that, sorry. Hope somebody will help ^
23rd Jul 2017, 5:31 PM
Andrés04_ve - avatar
+ 8
I'm not a professional (not even close) but still I'll try to answer based on my knowledge: • To learn further programming, you can visit sites like Codeacademy, Udacity and KhanAcademy. Universities like Stanford and Massachusetts Institute Of Technology also offer whatever they teach inside the universities on the web. Check out the MIT Open CourseWare site (ocw.mit.edu) and scroll to computer science Section. You'll find everything there, from syllabus and videos to assignments. • For further improving your coding skills and preparing for interviews, you can visit sites like HackerRank, TopCoder, etc. They give you coding challenges(Though much more difficult than SoloLearn's ones) to improve your skill and also compete with others. Hope it helped :)
24th Jul 2017, 7:05 AM
Hanif Ali
Hanif Ali - avatar
+ 8
14th Jun 2018, 6:13 AM
💞ⓢⓦⓐⓣⓘ💞 - avatar
+ 7
@Ace Sir Thank you for answering and sharing your knowledge among us. You inspire me and a lot more sololearner here. The question you asked just now. Honestly, I can't answer most of them so, I'll listen to you and do some Data structure courses. And yes it is my first time at java😅 Thank you so much, I'll try to follow your steps too, i know maybe i can't follow them all but I'll try my best. I really appreciate it😊😇
24th Jul 2017, 5:26 PM
Fuyuka Ayumi(冬花)
+ 7
Programming is really rooted in two concepts: 1. Data Structures 2. Algorithms After learning the basics of one or two programming languages..., it is recommended for anyone who aspires to be a career / professional programmer to proceed and learn Data Structures and Algorithms. After all, no computer program exists without them!
25th Jul 2017, 10:30 AM
Femyk - avatar
+ 6
@Fuyuka If possible, get a computer science degree. If not possible, are there any traineeships you might be eligable for? There's a shortage of software engineers, so some companies will hire people with a non-CS background and train them. If you want to study yourself, find some good books and tutorials. A few of my favorites: * head first java (book) * courses on coursera, edx (consider paying for certificates to show what you've mastered) * hackerrank (coding challenges & tutorials in different languages, also covers data structures and algorithms. * geeksforgeeks * github (post your code as examples of what you are learning, or better yet: join an open source project and contribute. some are especially welcoming to newbies) Make sure to learn at least one language well (check which languages are in demand for the types of jobs you would like). If you like front end, learn html/css/javascript. If you like back end, java is a good language to learn. In addition, study data structures and algorithms. Also, check what other tools and technologies you might need (for java, for instance build tools like maven/gradle, version control like git, etc) and at least read up on them a bit, or better yet start using them when you write code. Last but not least: practice, practice, practice, get some feedback, practice some more! Hope this helps... Good luck and happy coding!
23rd Jul 2017, 5:54 PM
marit vandijk
+ 3
IMHO you can suggest to someone from SL community to develop something like mobile app or website or desktop app together using GitHub and who knows may be your app would become more popular than a pro's one. I expirienced one guy who just created an app for training mental calculation his app was free at that moment nowadays he has three apps available on android playmarket. Well actually I dont know about his income but each of his app looks attractive and proffessionally-made. https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=5002593037730106752&hl=en
24th Jul 2017, 7:33 AM
Baurzhan Kozhaev
Baurzhan Kozhaev - avatar
+ 3
@Ace hi thanks for detailed advices they are really impressive and motivating. could you please tell what company do you work for and what's your routine daily responsibilities? thank you
24th Jul 2017, 7:24 PM
Baurzhan Kozhaev
Baurzhan Kozhaev - avatar
+ 1
💞ⓢⓦⓐⓣⓘ💞 I don't think so
13th Jun 2018, 4:01 PM
42126ay - avatar
pray to God
25th Jul 2017, 4:46 AM
and yhz
and yhz - avatar