+ 3
this pointer only works within class.....not outside the class for calling the members?whyyyyy??
plz give me answer with detailed?
6 Respostas
+ 2
The this pointer is a special pointer to refer to the object when inside it. Outside, just use the name of the object. For example, use myObj.myAttr instead of this->myAttr. Note that myAttr has to be public to be able to access it directly. Otherwise, you have to define getter and setter methods inside the class, like so:
class A{
int myAttr;
void setAttr(int n) {
this->myAttr = n;
int getAttr(void) {
return this->myAttr;
+ 1
set pointer to public variable
+ 1
can you give a small exemple...
+ 1
I think u need to understand d difference between a class and an object. All that code that you write is a class. it just serves as a structure.
class Vehicle {
int speed;
int tyres;
string model;
void accelerate();
. . .
what this class is: "a way to say, whenever you create a vehicle, it should have all these attributes and properties", . . . a blueprint (please, check the dictionary). Now, the individual entities you will create with this class are wat u refer to as objects.
Vehicle car1 = new Vehicle();
Vehicle car2 = new Vehicle();
Now, u had two distinct objects, u can create as many objects as you require from that single class declaration. The "this" pointer works distinctively within each object.
or change variable private to public
this pointer is used solely to point to object it self within the class.
u don't need it outside as u have object name .
static methods don't have this variable in obj as they are not part of object but are part of class
use of this pointer by below example
class A{
int I;
void setI(int i)
here if we haven't used this, the i variable in class will not have been set. as it will try to set local I variable with local I variable in the method.