+ 13
Do you think it's a good idea for everyone to be able to review quizzes?
I know it sounds a little extreme and unfair but I think it'd be better for quiz reviewing to be reserved for more experienced SoloLearn users for reasons I'm sure we all know. It's a real bummer when you get even the most basic of quizzes rejected due to community downvotes for reasons you really don't know. Rather than letting everyone cast in their vote, I was thinking that maybe some criteria be used (e.g. XP in the specific language or badge ranking i.e. Silver, Gold, etc) to allow quiz reviewing.
22 Respostas
+ 18
Garikai, maybe a good solution might be a bigger team to rate quizzes, we have just three mods to do that, not enough for hundreds of quizzes per day.
Fun note: Just now one of my quizzes has been declined by community downvotes... i'm pretty sure most of downvoters didn't know the answer.
It doesn't matter, i'm patient. :3
+ 17
Do you think it's a good idea for everyone to be able to review quizzes?
I'm agree that left anyone to rate quizzes is not a good idea, some of my questions was declined by community downvotes probably because they just did not know the answer.
I am not agree to your criteria based on badges, XPs, and so on... i could take some examples of people with +91e10XPs earned in challenges and 4/5 codes.
Sololearn's XPs system is not build to check the real user skills.
+ 12
Valery i am not agree HTML should be removed, but i also think it is ridicously easy and this is the main reason why we have so many platinum members with only HTML as weapon (and you also earned most of your XPs by HTML challenges).
In the other side the standard programming languages don't teach you something more than HTML, in most cases they just check your Math skills. ^^
+ 12
@Maz I just checked the quizzes. omigosh a lot of out-of-Sololearn stuff covered. I learnt a bit just by reviewing quizzes!
+ 12
$Vengat in some cases like PHP it is hard make quizzes covered in the course, since the course covers almost nothing about singularities of this language. ;P
Keep it up anyway, your contribute is also appreciated to make the Quiz Factory a better place, i'm too lazy, so... just good luck. 😁
((( EDIT )))
Just noticed we're going off topic, sorry Garikai.. !
+ 11
maybe sololearn should restrict users from rating quiz questions if they have not completed that course and if they aren't above a certain level (say lvl 5)
+ 10
New badge: Unlock quiz factory reviweing for 1 weapon! (gives 200XP)
+ 9
4rontender, totally agree... anyway you can disable some weapons in:
Settings >> Manage Weapons
...if it's this what you meant.
+ 8
adding to what Chirag said
skills should also be included for a user to be eligible for votes on Quiz
+ 8
Probably add a note in the review section (with an eye-catching color) telling the reviewer that it's Ok to skip if they don't understand or know the answer, in case some didn't even notice that SKIP button. So they skip the question instead of down voting it of confusion.
+ 8
I am going to spam review quizzes and improve Sololearn!
+ 8
Lesson learnt: you learn more fron reviweing quizzes than doing challenges
+ 7
@Maz, I totally agree that XPs and badge status don't always define a good developer, though at the moment, I think these are the two best options available within SoloLearn's current scope, unless you have any other suggestions; I'd be glad to hear ☺
+ 7
@Garkial Maybe you should have some experience (let us say 1000XP in the language you are reviewing) before you even have basic ideas in that language and therefore you can do questions.
Obviously getting inexperienced people will decline! Just hate why thwy even get little power. I will kill myself if they get reviewer and not learnt a bit of PHP
+ 6
OMW just 3?? We definitely need a bigger team then, that's a great idea. (Don't worry, just 500 more submissions and I'm sure one of them will get approved 😂😂)
+ 6
@Maz, I agree with your insight. XP gained and badges attained do not really showcase the true caliber of one user.
But as of present, those two criteria are the appropriate consideration like what @Garikai said in reviewing those quizzes.
+ 5
What about js or php, etc?.. You can also remember answers on it's too, it's not very hard if you really want. Even C++!!!
For my opinion system of upgrading quizzes should change and become more "fresh" and there must not delete anyone. Simply more diversity! Html also must be, cause it motivates some novices to go further. But I want suggest to restrict choose weapon what you want for instance and don't take from others participants challenges of others languages, that don't suitable for other one, cause if we think a little... it's also not fair
+ 3
maybe 10 declines per day?.. It will be more honestly. You can invent and suggest other system of restrictions.☺
+ 2
@Maz ofcourse I earned because it is the easiest way to get a badge😁😁😁 But I also have PHP, JAVA 2000+
+ 1
My 5 cents. The main reason that XP doesn't show the real status of developer is that u can choose your weapon in non programming skill!!! Many of us chose HTML !BUT IT'S NOT A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE! and the questions are elementary! In comparison with Java and serious questions of OOP, calculations! 2 different worlds! 100000 XP in HTML and 100000XP in Java or C++, C# is enormous difference in analytical thinking and skills! html should be removed out of challenges - it's a markup lang.