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Hi i'm learning java and html what other langueges i should learn to build gaming program or games ? And i'm new in coding !
18 Respostas
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in my opinion,there's no better language for games other than c#... Android java could be used for Android games,Swift or Objective C for ios games and the legend, JavaScript for web games... JavaScript is expanding day-by-day and you can learn it easily, It's easy to use... there's even a own server based library,node.js
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depends what platform you intend to develope for
java > android
html,js,css > web
swift > ios
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c# or JS with unity3d(for creating multiplatform games(windows, linux, android, ios) is good for begin
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y can lern only c#
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Also you can try to use OpenGl whith Java, but i think it is hard and not god way to game development
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good luck
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you mean if i want to bulid games for both android and ios i have to use c# and java and swift or just c#
android and ios but i mean if iwant to buil a heigh grafic game it may need alot than that and thanks for your help
sorry i missed c++ š¦ this may be the one for you!
by the look at the emojy it is so defecult am i right
no its just that i missed it and its an important one for developing games.
im not sure if its hard to learn but i heard its like java which im learning its so maby abit confusing at first but it starts to come together eventually. š
ok you mean
thanks for your help
c# or js you mean without java and the other langueges and unity i think i need alot of turtureals
for creating games with height grafic games use game engine, for example untity3d(JS or C#) or UnrealEngine(C++)
you mean each platform uses diferent typ of langeuges i know unity is the best but it is not that easy right i have to learn js and c# thanks alot
for me c# whith untity better then JS in untity 3d
ok c# with unity is it really posebel to develop height gaming grafic is it easy to learn
thanks for you to