+ 7
If you finished a course in Sololearn, it will be enough for you to be a good programmer? Or just it gives us a basics?
I know it depends on our abilities and how much we tried to learn, but my question is about that (importance of participate in many courses).
8 Respostas
+ 12
only basic, but if they approved users lesson nor added more lesson it will be good.
+ 10
Just the basics
+ 7
SoloLearn courses are only tutorials. Everybody should know this.
+ 7
Let's say your boss asks you to create a maze generator. You check in internet and discovers it can be done as a minimum spanning tree in a grid graph. How do you store the graph? As an adjacency matrix, adjacency list or a simple list of edges? Which algorithm is more suited to build the tree? Prim, Kruskal, Boruvka or something else? If you choose Prim, is it better to sort the vertices with bubble sort, quick sort or to use an advanced structure like binary heap or Fibonacci heap?
If you don't even know what those things mean, then you still have lots to learn.
+ 5
it just gives us a basic, because to be a great programmer it depends on how creative we are
+ 3
It's depends about so many causes. Even if you know the theory of a programming language, you need a lot of practice for being a goof programmer. Also, each programming language contains a lot of things that you have to learn by yourself from trial and error...
+ 3
Basics only
+ 2
I believe it gives us the basic foundation we need to explore more on our own by trial and error.