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Assign each track runner a roster number and calculate the average age of the team. As output the program should print the roster in three columns like in the following format: Roster # Name Age 1 First Name 18 2 Second Name 19 3 Third Name 19 4 Fourth Name 20 5 Fifth Name 18 The average age of the team is 18.80.
Your source code must make use of the following A looping structure (for, do-while, while) A struct Use string data type for text variables Validate user input and ask for corrections if invalid input detected Use formatted output for the team roster
1 Resposta
even throw i don't now exactly what your problem is.
I would start by creating the struct with a string and a int
and had one with the user input witch i would just do with cin and put them in a list
and than just print them with println()