+ 3
Why not work is module plz help me??? I installed idle python on my PC but still
from cs1robots import* create_world() hubo = Robot() hubo.set_trace("blue") hubo.set_pause(2) hubo.move hubo.turn_left hubo.move
7 Respostas
+ 16
I don't know Python... /:
+ 14
Graphics won't work in Code Playground, if that's what you're trying....
+ 4
What's the error produced?
Have you installed the 'cs1robots' module you're trying to use?
+ 3
If you try to do 'from cs1robots import *' then 'cs1robots' is a module (even if it's a custom module :P)
Did the error be:
<< ImportError: No module named cs1robots >>?
If yes, you should install/save the module in a path accessible for your script ^^
+ 2
what aboutin windows...?
I installed idle python on my PC but still not working
+ 2
can you tell the exact step by step process to solve this problem. I tried but couldn't succeed!
- 1
the error is from cs1robots import* isn't module