+ 3
Where would you start? (Android app programming)
I'm trying to start learning how to program apps for android for educational purposes and would truly appreciate any advice on where i might start. My impression is that Java is the first port of call so I'm trying the java course, I have no experience. Any recommendations? Supplements to this course? I'm open to anything! Thanks
5 Respostas
+ 3
Give it a try with appinventor before banging your head with Android Studio. There is also the Android mode in the Processing ide that is a straight forward approach to build simple apps.
+ 3
if you really wanto to code on mobile, the APDE app lets you create your app in a Processing IDE-like way on Android
+ 2
You could start in Android Studio,It have simple interface and you can learn basics fast.
Thanks for all the fantastic answers so far everyone, I'll definitrly be looking into them all. I am quite keen on learning and doing on my phone/tablet so I can learn on the go. So far I've downloaded RFO basic. How does thr BASIC language lead into more advanced things if I progress so far? Are there any common denominators to them all? Any ideas on beginner projects?
Loving all the advice, thanks to everyone who's already contributed!