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(SOLVED) Whats wrong with this code, guys? The "output" is in the comment of the link below
14 Respostas
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line 59: s = 1 ? i assume that if youre working later on it it may be a problem. also where is the output?
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what is clrscr?
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and strrev??
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after deleting those two the diamond is there but i didnt type anything tho v: is there an alternative of scanf? or does it let you type all things?
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Enter Word: Noon
Total Characters: 4
Palindrome: Yes
1 2 1
1 2 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 2 1
1 2 1
this should be the output.
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clear screen Sir
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the clrscr is not really necessary. its only purpose is to make the output clear 'diamond shape numbers'. you can delete 'clrscr', Sir if you want. :)
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strrev = string reverse, for palindrome, Sir
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also start table -[] from 0 and not 1 tho, you may miss a character
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I am not sure about the 'scanf' but its purpose is reading the numbers
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where should I put the '0' Sir?
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sorry, didnt have time to respond. how did ya solve it?
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when i said table earlier i mean an array cause they stsrts from 0, not 1 but i can see code reading from. [1] which is a second position
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look at the code now.. I revised it.. thanks to @Andres04_ve he helped me adding additional code for it to run