+ 5
Javascript is terribly difficult
Are there any resources that can help me get a grasp on Javascript much easily
11 Respostas
+ 9
actually, JavaScript is hard to understand ,but when you start getting it you'd do amazing stuff.. @melik maybe it's easy for you but, don't start making him start thinking the problem is with him not understanding, 😂 actually Js is quite hard to figure..
+ 14
I totally agree, it can be very difficult to understand. It seems pretty simple in the basic syntax of it but, understanding the ideas and conceptualizing the reasons for the ideas can be difficult to grasp. I'm struggling with it as well. Someone here on sololearn suggested to use other sites in conjunction with this one. And one of the suggestions was w3schools. Between that one and Mozilla development Network, that has helped me somewhat understand some of the things in JavaScript. And they have got a full reference and lots of examples
+ 9
JavaScript resources here for beginners to intermediates
+ 7
@Melik well understood.. ☺ you weren't offensive
+ 5
I have to sympathise with Gabriel. Although JavaScript has a fairly easy syntax I have tried on several occasions to learn more about it and failed. I think this has been mainly the lack of error reporting and debugging feedback when you use the language especially when it is used in conjunction with html. Recently, however, I have discovered Node.js which offers a console interface to JavaScript - that alone has helped me a great deal. Most browsers offer some console support but it seems to be limited. I wish you luck Gabriel. If you are determined you will surely get there.
+ 5
thanks Morpheus
+ 4
Try Codecademy. They explain JavaScript in very simple, beginner-friendly, and practical terms. For example, an array is like a bucketlist (your wishlist, or things that you want to accomplish in life); then you code var bucketList to output those items in your list. Another one is how to use functions to print out orders of pizza with different toppings, compute subtotal and sales tax. It's really fun.
+ 3
Let me add: having fun while learning is important. If you don't get it the first time just keep trying, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't just rely on one resource; one of these days you'll stumble upon a learning resource that fits your learning style (people learn differently -- some are more visual, some learn by doing, etc.) What I do is take different courses on the same topic simultaneously (Sololearn, Udacity, Codecademy, Codeschool, Coursera, books, etc.). What I don't learn in one, I learn in the others. This also helps me approach the subject from various perspectives.
+ 2
i think i could not explain what was in my mind.i was trying to say that JS is much easier one when compared with other object oriented languages. Yes it was hard when i was a beginner too but practice makes me better and i am still in learning process . Sorry but i did not want to be offensive.
+ 1
javascript is the most easy when compared with other languages; what is difficult for you ?
+ 1
Thank you guys for all the encouragement, i finally came across quite a good textbook and some lessons on treehouse and finally starting to get a grasp on JS and some of its libraries