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How can I compare two or more listboxes?
I have two listboxes containing a couple of elements and I would like to find out if any of these elements can be found in both boxes - it shouldn't matter if they have the same list index or not. I'm working with visual studio 2017
2 Respostas
string FirstString, SecondString;
for (int x=0; x < listBox1.Items.Count;x++)
{ //loop through first listbox
FirstString = listBox1.Items[x].ToString();
for (int y = 0; y < listBox2.Items.Count; y++)
//loop through second listbox
SecondString = listBox2.Items[y].ToString();
if (FirstString == SecondString) //compare values
{ //if equal place result in listbox3
for (int x = 0; x < listBox1.Items.Count; x++)
{ //loop through firstlistbox
if (listBox2.Items.Contains(listBox1.Items[x]))
{//use Contains method to find similar object, if equal place in listbox3
Hope this helps, play around with it and have fun
Thanks so much for the quick answer, it was bugging me all day long :)