+ 24
New Trend on Sololearn: Downvote Storms?
I was just hanging about all my posts and then I decided to see my answers. I hoped to see some best answers... To my amazement I found many answers on a negative rating in spite of many upvotes by prominent users. Is this a new trend on Sololearn to downvote a person and break his enthusiasm of going forward or helping? I wished to help newbies and I got nothing...(except downvotes)... Related to: https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/663292/?ref=app If you don't trust me, check my code comments and replies...
29 Respostas
+ 27
Too much discussion on the same issue hurts our eyes. If we ever spot a peer going through a downvote storm for no reason, it is a moral obligation to return fire with likestorms the magnitude of multiple folds, so heavy that it fries up your peers device (not literally). Get your s-es in gear and start rolling. :>
+ 20
just forget it and start over
+ 17
Dont know. I have seen Andrews thread also and seen other examples. Not sure if it is a trend or just troll/s. Could even be a bot.
If it is a troll I guess they are getting what they wanted. Attention 😊
+ 14
Not just you buddy
+ 13
We could orchestrate a likestorm easily, I think. But better would be not to care about it. Trolls will always be there, at least until SL decides to share information on dislikes with mods at least.
I know it can be a little frustrating, but please do not feel bad, we've all been there, myself too.
A kind note to all who follow me and Amrit - feel free to express your *positivity* on Amrit's thread, if you know what I mean! ;)
+ 12
@amrit same here....
most of my recent posts and codes are being downvoted repeatedly.....
my dear fellow downvoters I request you all . downvotes won't help the concerned person about any mistake . please speak out to let us know....
and downvoting for simple reasons is not at all welcome....believe me there's no fun in it.
so please....if you feel pain to upvote we are not asking for it.....but please don't break a person's enthusiasm by simple downvoting his/her works...
+ 11
@Gustavo well a small xp penalty would not hurt much, sometimes there is a reason to downvote but other times not. I actually got a downvote on a code that was not a "hello world" at all even it was maybe a bit too advanced for SL because it had inline assembly in it. It was probably downvoted for the same reason that a lot of quizzes are downvoted - people don't like what they don't understand. XP loss would prevent downvote storms. Thats actually how stackoverflow works. Not trying to turn SL into SO but they have some decent organization there that would improve this app a lot imo.
+ 11
@Manual, yes.
+ 10
@Karl It wouldnt stop the trolls who create accounts for the sole purpose of causing distruption. But I agree it would make the general user think twice before downvoting for the sake of it. Also maybe downvotes would carry more weight.
+ 10
I feel the likestorm idea has merit
+ 10
@SVengat. I mean in instances where someone has been downvote stormed. re:Hatsy and Kuba answers.
That said I see no harm in like storming non-harmful content.
+ 8
Yep, but c'mon, who would care? ;)
+ 8
I am doing my best, likestorming all non-harmful content, wherever I go.
Seriously, what is wrong with upvoting these kindof stuff?
+ 7
I've got 10 downvotes and I immediately delete the thread.
+ 7
Downvoting someone should reduce your XP a little, so it's not abused.
+ 7
Whoa @Karl
you compiled inline assembly on SL?
- Was it through C++?
+ 7
Yeah Manual...I did in fact make a Hello World but in assembly. ☺ For those who are interested :
+ 6
my codes are also downvoted , at night i saw no. of likes were good , then after 5 hours i saw it is reduced by 1 , then after someone someone liked , then after some time again someone downvoted ...
then i counted no. of upvotes ... i see that there were 4 dislikes on 1 code
i think it will be a good for sololearn , if downvote function will be removed
if u like the code & output then like , & if not then try to make better than that no gain in downvoting others for no reason
+ 6
@Karl. Not necessary. It's difficult, actually, because it's linked to common sense. For instance, it won't be the same pattern of upvote and downvote for a user that is learning the basis, or is a sole SL app user, than for the most advanced or popular ones. Common sense dictates that if you're advanced, you might not upvote a hello world app. Maybe a new will, for support, but that's not the pattern. The same user might downvote that code because it founds it dull or too basic. You know. Snobbery is in all fields. Newbies will be dazed by the trending codes, but that's pretty obvious. But then, everyone expects the same treat that the trending have. And that's impossible. Sometimes the downvote will be useful to discourage bad behavior, trolling, or spamming. Is not that it should be removed. Now, I do believe that perhaps we all should have a limited amount of up/down votes and definitely a reason should be requested before a downvote. I mean, everyone is perfectly right to be not amused by some comment or code and say it out loud.
+ 6
Thank you!
I will stop side tracking the thread now.