I need people I can learn with...
Sometimes, learning alone can be boring and frustrating if you are most of the time a loner like me. Team play is mostly not my thing but learning a new thing outside your curricular comes with a whole new challenge and frustration. Like where to start from, what to do, how to do and a whole lot of stuff. At least having companions who speak the same language as you keeps you focused and prevent you from going crazy alone... : )
7 Respostas
I accepted your request, lets communicate through discord from now on.
LOL dude, ill learn with u if u want i have been going alone for a while now and it is kinda annoying. Do u have discord or something so that we can chat, not eith voice at the moment though my mic is broke XD.
Yh, I just downloaded it...
Nathan Luck #7536
Ok, sorry i didn't reply earlier i had to go out, i shall friend u on discord.
you tags not working, try mine: TheLemonCrafter #9775
Have sent u a request