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Idisposable interface
hi to all is here familiar with IDisposable Interface? some small code for understanding it step by step i know destructor of a class but dispose makes me confused
4 Respostas
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thanks of your description but when we see interface idisposable it has just one methoth why there use dispose(boolean args) as protected and vitural , if we define dispose then we must also destructure of class?
using System;
using System .Collections .Generic;
using System .Linq;
using System .Text;
using System .Threading .Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class Program
static void Main ( string [ ] args )
using ( First_class f1=new First_class ( ) )
f1 .Name = "trump";
f1 .Dispose ( );
Console .ReadKey ( );
using ( second_class f2=new second_class ( ) )
f2 .id = 25;
f2 .Name = "obama";
Console .ReadKey ( );
using System;
using System .Collections .Generic;
using System .Linq;
using System .Text;
using System .Threading .Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class First_class : IDisposable
private bool _dispoed=false;
protected string name;
public string Name
get { return name; }
set { name = value; }
public First_class ( ) { }
public First_class ( string n ) { name = n; }
~First_class ( ) { Console .WriteLine ( "this distructor of first class" ); }
public void Dispose ( )
Dispose ( true );
GC .SuppressFinalize ( this );
public virtual void Dispose ( bool disposing )
if ( !_dispoed )
if ( disposing )
Console .WriteLine ( "disposing" );
_dispoed = true;
using System;
using System .Collections .Generic;
using System .Linq;
using System .Text;
using System .Threading .Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
class second_class:First_class
public int id;
public override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
Console .WriteLine ( "second class disposing");
base .Dispose ( disposing );
~second_class ( ) { Console .WriteLine ( "second class distructor"); }
its so easyer example of your what happen in base.dispose() becuas here is not defined GC.suppressfinalize for child and when this happen?