+ 4
what is the different between $_GET and $_POST???
i cant trouly understand the concept of it.
13 Respostas
+ 5
Different methods to transfer data
With get you put values in url, example
with post you hide data from url
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$_GET contains vars passed on query stringe es www.PHP.com?key=value is accessibile with $_GET[key] ... $_POST store value passed at the script in POST method from HTML form accesible with $_POST[tagName]
+ 3
It's all about the security concerned with the way they send data to server..
Using GET method your data will be send along with the URL ,& you can see that data while with POST method your data will be sent hidden i.e you can't see it & you can only access it with the tag name ex. $_POST[tag]..
Thank You
+ 1
these are the types of form method . from post your data will be hide from URL but with get your data is visible in url
thank you. I had same problem!
as it is said above ... the way get and post transfer data between php files or screens is different. So if your page is carrying any secure data like passwords or pin then use post in other scenarios you can use GET OR POST to carry your form data ..
the difference is, they are used with corresponding form methods, post or get.
post is secured compare 2 get
get is unsecured for passwords n pin wheere as post method is secured
$_GET (search) & $_POST (posting)
as said above all are correct but there is much more. in post when you refresh the page you all current content disappear due to security thats why u cannot bookmark the page and when transferring the link current content will not transfer like a login with fb and send the link , it will tells u to login but in Get all this are not problems are not there. ☻
$_GET :
1) $_GET is super global variable.
2) Data send in GET is visible in URL.
3) Not preferable for send sensitive data.
4)Limitation of send data.(About 2000 character)
5)In GET you send information to server in two way :
a) Through URL
b) Through from
1) $_GET is super global variable.
2) Data send in POST is not visible in URL.
3) Preferable for send sensitive data.
4) No limitation for send data.
5) In POST you send information to server in one way that is form.
thank you.