+ 18
SoloLearn logo is beautiful to look at , What do you think is the meaning of the logo?
Everything got a meaning.
14 Respostas
+ 9
I think the logo meaning is related to the flow of every program that will be made by knowldge by this application.
The different colors represent the knowledge of every programming language and the shape that formed by the color is the programmer
+ 6
Maybe each color represents a different language or different people. Solo Learn might be saying that you can find all of them here and that they are all connected. They have created a community of programmers (in different languages) and beginners that all interact and learn in the same place!
+ 6
There are Six colours. I hope they represent either the six continents or six major Programming languages â Web, Java, C++, C#, Python and Ruby.
Note that Web includes HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and PHP.
The colours being joined together represents that no language is better than any other.
In the continent idea, the joining together means that people from all places can learn to code here.
I am not sure, but this is an idea...
+ 6
Hi Rodgers,
Thank for following me !
Can you test our code AIR Project please, and send us your ideas ? Thanks !
+ 5
Possibly to do with the motto "Everyone Can Code" as in multiple colours representing people from different backgrounds all converging to one point (coding) making a pretty circle. Or you just got a designer to make something O shaped and pretty.
+ 5
Every One Can Code,Every one Should Learn To Code
+ 4
yes, I have realized that looks as the www.repl.it one plus I don't know who was first
+ 4
It is as if an aperture ring of a lens, can take photograph (code) according to ur imagination. The different colors represent different views.
+ 2
combining people in the world of code and aware about code giving proper esucation towards coding
+ 2
it's a camera shutter!
+ 2
It repersents the people and languages including work/jobs
+ 1
Solo Learn says Expand your mind with deep learning with drugs look at that logo while on LSD or mushrooms all them pretty colours. Say hi to everyone including the cosmic pineapple