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Can anyone please help me out to write following sql queries ??
Tables : table dep-dnum int not null,dname varchar,loc varchar,primary key(dnum) table emp-eno int not null,ename varchar,salary int,hiredate date,dnum int,primary key(eno),foreign key(dnum) references dep(dnum) table pro-pno int not null,pname varchar,dnum int,primary key(pno),foreign key(dnum) references emp(dnum) table wrks-eno int,pno int,hours int,foreign key(eno) references emp(eno),foreign key(pno) references pro(pno) 1To find emp who wrks on every project 2 To find emp who wrks on any project
4 Respostas
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No thanks I only find out @rahmat
1 To find employee names who works on every project
select ename from employee e,project p where e.dnum=p.dnum and pno=all(select pno from works_on);
ename=employee name
dnum=department number
pno=project number
joining condition=(e.dnum=p.dnum)
employee,project,works_on are tables
2 To find employee name who does not work on any project
select ename from employee e,project p where e.dnum=p.dnum and pno in(select pno from works_on w where p.pno<>w.pno);
ename=employee name
dnum=department number
pno=project number
joining condition=(e.dnum=p.dnum)
employee,project,works_on are tables
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They are 4 tables department,employees,project and works_on ,try to write queries for employee who can work on every project
dnum=department number
eno=employee number
pno=project number
I didn't wrote that sql script & for creating table they hve use due to less space I removed keywords create & varchar (10)(size) & semicolons @luka
i can answer this your problem face to face to you