+ 48
Let's chat
I have been finding myself in more and more conversations on SoloLearn, via comments and replies, but it's not really a great platform for conversations. So, I've created a new Slack team called SoloLearn Dev Connection. If you'd like to join the team, simply follow this invitation link and join: https://join.slack.com/t/sololearndevconnect/shared_invite/enQtMjgxNTU0OTY5MjY0LWExM2Y2MTk5OWVjMWNhOWRmN2RmNWQ5ZGQyNTM0MjFmYjNlYzRhNzJmZDg4Nzg4MDhiY2JiZGFkNmJlZDQ1NzU
39 Respostas
+ 20
@Ipang Slack is a messaging app, but it has a lot of nice features like syntax highlighting for many coding languages, item pinning, individual messaging threads, uploads/downloads archiving, topic focused chat channels, lots of add-on apps and bots and integration service tools.
I created this Slack team to provide a place for us to more easily connect with each other and talk about coding or whatever else.
You can use Slack's desktop, mobile or web apps. I use all three.
It's a lot more convenient for discussion than using comment threads like this one.
+ 18
@Full Gamer
Discord is a nice app for basic chat, or if you want to do a lot of markdown to write out code blocks, but Slack is better equipped for coders, as it offers a code message interface, where the language can be selected and all formatting is handled automatically.
+ 16
@David C
I will devote the time and effort necessary to narrow my responses to clear and concise verbiages, effective and efficient, full of their messages but not droning on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on......and on.
Thanks for the advice.
+ 13
@bobbie just follow the link to join and you can use the desktop, web or mobile apps. Once you get in there, let me know what questions you have and I'm happy to help.
+ 9
@Shane, I don't have any idea what this Slack is all about, can you tell me about it? like features or something? is it like github? for collaboration?.
I'm just a hobbyist, not a dev actually, would it be right for people like me?
Thanks mate,
+ 9
@David C
lol. Oh, I got it. I'm a connoisseur of sarcasm, no matter the nationality!
+ 8
@$Vengat I have joined, but I prefer Slack
+ 8
@Andrew G
JavaScript - first option
C# - second option
These are the default formatting settings in Visual Studio and I became used to the difference and actually like it.
What's your preference?
+ 7
Great, it's really nice app to connect with each other in general or direct 👍
+ 6
Hello everybody love to see y'all on slack learn more about you and pick up a few tips.
+ 6
@Shane Good call on setting up a Slack group for this.
+ 5
@shane... Um... you gotta work on being more concise with your responses. I could have said the same thing while being just as effective with:
"It's da bomb... -diggity!"
You see how effective that was? Keep working on it man. Maybe, just maybe... one day, in the distant future, you too will have my gift for being clear and concise. 🤓😈🤣
+ 5
LOL... Whew... I'm glad you got my sense of humor.
It just occurred to me that my light-hearted sarcasm might not translate well in other countries. I'm hoping it does. I'm pretty sure Google Translate won't get it though. 🙃
+ 5
The first option.
+ 5
great thanks man!
+ 5
Try it again. When you join the Slack team send me a message there.
+ 5
@chibuokem jerry
Thanks. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
+ 4
Shane join discord instead!
+ 4
@Arnold Avila, did you sign up on Slack and join my Slack team?
+ 3
Thanks Shane never tried slack I could use some pointers