+ 3
Chat anyone?
Fun getting to know each other and helping each other along.
6 Respostas
+ 15
There is also a discord server setup
+ 14
+ 3
Hey Colton hope you found the help you we're looking for. Best of Luck !!!
+ 2
Copied from Shane's post. with help from others lol, you should join (and anyone else who is interested).
Let's chat
I have been finding myself in more and more conversations on SoloLearn, via comments and replies, but it's not really a great platform for conversations.
So, I've created a new Slack team called SoloLearn Dev Connection.
If you'd like to join the team, simply follow this invitation link and join: https://join.slack.com/t/sololearndevconnect/shared_invite/enQtMjQ5NDc3NzY3OTIzLWFmMmMzY2JlZjQ5YzhlN2ZmN2JkN2E2MzJlMjY4ZDVjMTk3MmM0MzQ0MzM2MDYwOTkxM2ZhODBiZGIzZWVlOTU
Hey, I'm having trouble understanding functions. Can you help me out with this?