I'm studying accountancy , but i like embedded systems ,is it to change possible the whole of the branch ?
please another demand , could you explain more what is 'embedded system' about .thanks
4 Respostas
+ 5
@Habib mate, I can't give you details, I'm not a practitioner of embedded system, I posted the previous links to answer you, and at the same time so that I can learn what it is also. Having read the wiki page I find it interesting too, looks like it is related with IoT though.
I hope others with more knowledge can help you with the details, if not, you can always try to find and join embedded system based community out there.
+ 4
Actually you can always ask Google for this type of general information, anyway, I did a search, and here's what I found:
Hth, cmiiw
+ 1
thank you Ipang , but I need more details than those written in wikipedia or else .
+ 1
I appreciate your answer specially your intention to help with everything you have . so thank you very , we it's very kind from your side 😀😀.
alaykom salam Ipag