+ 10
I am a professional in Photoshop and Illustrator and I want to be a web designer, where to start and what should I learn?
graphic designer want to be web designer
30 Respostas
+ 25
Learn HTML and CSS. Use Bracket as the code editor, the editor has PSD import features allow designers to put their PSD into Html with Css rules.
+ 12
html if you want to make Web pages :) but since you have it in your tags I suspect you already knew this
+ 12
I have some friends serve as web designers. let me tell u from what they shared with me recently, what do they really focus on their day to day job
Interacting with web pages: They design websites using tools like HTML, CSS, other programing languages for high end websites(jscript, java, jquery, php)
they look into performance of a website and work on weaknesses as well modifications using such tools
Web development: they don't do this stuff by their own but they keep in touch with web developers(.net, php, sql) and others for website enhancements
Website designing(major): they work on website designing to achieve that they follow the process of research(templates and layouts from google), source code reviews
Image: U probably know that almost every website has graphics and images on it. u already know the photoshop and illustrator to put that stuff on website that's a plus for you. Although you could also learn flash to make some animations on your web page
Domain, filezila,: they always keep the credentials of a domain name of the website to upload stuff on it, to do that u need to be familiar with domain providers like godaddy.com
and the most important thing is YOU MUST BE A CREATIVE
I know i could have answered better but Google is the best place to search for some decent sources to learn, here i found some for you
+ 9
@ZeeGo. Yes! Understanding both (designing and coding) makes each respective task easier though. And makes for a better UI overall.
+ 7
@ZeeGo: Calvins answer is more on point to your original question. He deserves best answer 😀
The little tick mark signifies best answer to your question
+ 6
You will need photoshop only. This platform is of no use to you since its for developers, not designers. You just start with designing some simple websites on photoshop. Later you can do freelancing at some good sites :-)
+ 5
Is there a difference between designer user interfaces and developer user interfaces ؟؟
+ 4
@jay And you also deserve the best pass
+ 3
thanks everyone 😍😍 urw
+ 3
You will want to plan for php, css, html, java, JavaScript, and SQL.
Knowing how to effectively use them will greatly improve the quality, effectiveness, and value of your created and maintained websites.
+ 3
I love it
+ 3
For illustration I might recommend a C based language. HTML is good for web design but it's good to be at least partially fluent in other languages.
+ 2
mostly JavaScript, but all css and html
+ 2
css and html
+ 2
you should learn html, css and javascript
+ 2
Start by taking a close look at the styles and presentation of the websites you use every day like your bank or weather forecast or news page.
Then note which ones you like the most and that you think have the best appearance.
Make a charcoal drawing on paper for your own product you want to sell and hang it on the wall of your Photoshop studio.
Then start learning website programming and try to look ahead to how each topic will help you with your website design on the wall, and actually program it.
+ 2
You start the basic html follows css, php, JScript after bootstrap etc...,
all the best
+ 2
I recommend you to start learning how to use properly a web design program, as Wordpress. There you can see if you are also interested on web developing by getting into the HTML and CSS. If you are, you can start by learning some HTML and CSS and applying it to your own designed webs.
Good luck with your purpose!! :)
+ 2
Dreamweaver. That's all. :)
+ 2
Responsive web design uses only HTML and CSS. https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_rwd_intro.asp