Where can I get to learn the frameworks of backend programming languages like for example django?

16th Oct 2017, 8:41 AM
Adrija Ray Chaudhuri
Adrija Ray Chaudhuri - avatar
5 Respostas
+ 1
16th Oct 2017, 9:53 AM
Calviղ - avatar
Part of a programmer is to find it. Search for a language you want to learn. Or look at sights you want to create. Practice thinking of what's it made then check out if your right. You will get more familiar with what kind of coding you want to learn. Then look up the language. Even top end programmers search there problems.
16th Oct 2017, 8:50 AM
Cltnbatchelor - avatar
I did that but I just get to learn the broadview of the language and not its frameworks
16th Oct 2017, 8:52 AM
Adrija Ray Chaudhuri
Adrija Ray Chaudhuri - avatar
Well you look up online classes and videos. I have learned alot from many different resources. I don't think we can recommend another site or app. But many programmers use Twitter and many languages and companies. Google is your best friend
16th Oct 2017, 8:57 AM
Cltnbatchelor - avatar