What does UI??
what does UI? and what doing UI?
4 Respostas
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The user interface or UI (not to be confused with the graphical user interface or GUI, which is a subset of the UI), is the broad space where interactions between humans and machines (specifically, computers) occur.
The term itself is often used in the context of computer systems and handheld or wearable electronic devices. There are dozens of different types of UIs, just to name a few:
Direct manipulation interface - user manipulates objects, using actions that correspond to the physical world.
Graphical user interface (GUI) - takes input from mouse/touch and provides graphical output on the screen in form of windows, buttons etc.
Web-based UI - somewhat similar to GUI, but provides the output specifically by generating web pages or their elements.
Command line interface - takes the input in form of textual commands. Mostly used by programmers, system administrators, and technically advanced users. Somewhat similar to batch interface.
Conversational interface - those are well-known chat bots.
Holographic user interface - provides output in form of semi-transparent images floating in the air and takes input from user passing a finger through those images without tactile interactions.
Motion tracking interface - monitors the user's body motions and translate them into commands.
Voice user interface - pretty much self-explanatory. Have you ever heard of Cortana/Siri etc?
Zero-input interface - gets input from a variety of handheld or wearable sensors.
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 A user interface is a linkage between a human and a device or system that allows the human to interact with
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UI stands for User Interface. It should be GUI which means graphical User Interface. It shows you the graphics interface of how an app looks like.
In Button - sizes, shapes, colors, 3D designs, text, shadows
In Input - input sizes, shapes, borders, and lots more.
Its easier for anyone to use UI than command interface. UI will only have to deal with clicking buttons so as to accomolish a task quickly because the commands are embedded already in the buttons.
Command Interface , You will have to type the codes yourself so as to accomplish a task.
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It allows users to interact with your app.