+ 4
Hello Guys.I'm 17 years old and i'm a senior.And in the future i want to go to collage in a field that includes programming ....
but im struggling to decide where to go.I have two options in my mind Telecommunicating and Computer Enginering.I don't really know what to do and this is the most important time of my life so pls if you have any advice or just tell me what jobs can i get in the future with one of these options .Thank you.!
11 Respostas
+ 8
Are those the two options because those are the two you know about? Or have you done research and those are the two you hold most interest in?
I ask this because there is a ->LOT<- of fields that involve programmers. Over my years, I've worked in engineering, telecommunications, business intelligence, automation, and most currently, game programming.
It's hard for me to tell you which one to pick, because really, you should pick which one makes you feel the happiest. Trust me on this kid, you don't want to waste decades of your life being miserable and then find out that you've wasted decades when you could have been doing what you enjoy. All of the above pay really good money (I can only speak for the States), so you can't go wrong with whichever choice you pick.
I learned a lot from telecommunications, but there came a point that I hit a ceiling and was stuck doing the same boring day in & day out stuff... little use for creativity.. and I was close to going "Office Space" on my job. lol However, I knew many people that eat, breathe, and shit that stuff, and they love it. I'm more of the creative type, so I enjoy freedom to do what I want and how I want; which is a big part of why I'm transitioning into game programming. It satisfies my passion for both art and programming.
Personally, I would pick Computer Engineering because that's fun stuff to me. However, I need to say this again, you don't want to base the rest of your life off a bunch of strangers on SoloLearn. lol Lay out ALL of your options, create a list of your own foreseeable pros/cons for each one.
Decide WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON and then pick the option that best compliments your happiest. A man can lose all of his money in just one day, even after working his whole life, but a man will not lose his experiences or the way that he felt about those experiences. When you're at the end of your life, will you be looking back at your experiences with a smile or a frown? Your money won't mean anything on that day.
+ 7
@CSGO GASM that's really a important time for a student to what to opt as career to make future bright you have take 2 option field of computer and Telecommunication you can make career in anyone because both are good option which have jobs available in future for sure
you can go for computer Engineering because there are many jobs and knowledge too like in 4 to 5 years there you can make your future in cloud computing and hadoop and data mining which will be demand in future and make your career studying about that from now Computer Engineers develop and improve the software programs and hardware that make computers run. Computer Engineers may specialize in either software or hardware.
and on the other hand telecommunications is also give many job opportunity A:TelecommunicationsĀ is a wide field that offers individuals to pursueĀ jobssuch as the following: broadcast technician, network systems analyst, programmer radio dispatcher, communication equipment operator, data communication analyst, technical manager, signals intelligence analyst, electronic engineer, data ...
so in both you can make your future
+ 4
@Netkos Ent Those are the two options because in the country I live in(Kosovo) The University of Prishtina Faculty "Electric and Computer Engineering" has these departaments:1.Computerized Automation and Robotics
2.Power engineering
4.Computer Engineering and
So the last two seem like something i wanna do.
I wanna ask you What field did you study?
I basically always loved programming but i didnt know shit about it and lately i started practicing in html.So I love everything that has to do with programming even though it's kinda hard i know i can learn new things on a day to day basics.
I totally agree with you.But I'm not sure what my country can offer me with these.
One more question What do you mean by Comutering engineering has more fun stuff what fun stuff does it have cause i'm not really informed.(i must sound like a real rookie)
thank you btw.
+ 4
@CSGO GASM Understood! If you have some interest in networking also, then telecommunications will help further that as well. I was into networking for many years, but it's something that became really boring and redundant at a certain point.
If it were myself, at this point in my life, then I would go with computer engineering. It's more fun and covers a lot of stuff, rather than being focused solely upon networking type stuff.
However, I have to say, when I read "Computerized Automation and Robotics," it makes me feel like a little kid inside. That sounds really awesome and fun. :D Complete nerdgasm for me. lol I'd love to work in that field, especially with the direction that it'll go in the world eventually if the little kids that run all of the governments of the world don't destroy everything first.
Again, write down your options. RESEARCH them extensively. Write down the pros/cons that you can think of. Decide which one would be more fun for -you-. With programming, you're going to make money, so base your decision off your happiness and well-being; this very well may be what you do the rest of your life.
+ 4
Btw, what's your steam name? I'll play some CSGO (or whatever) with you sometime. :D
+ 2
You're more than welcome man. I wish you the best of luck with it all; regardless of which choice you make, it's a really fun journey and worth the reward at the end.
I'm actually at work right now. lol When I get home in a couple hours, I'll add you up on steam. Request will come from Fata1.
+ 2
Forgot I can do it from the website. I added you up just now. I'll hit you up later tonight when I'm home and able to game.
+ 2
I'm in the same position, I love programming but don't know what career to go into
+ 2
@Chris honestly read @Netkos Ent 's answer it could be really helpful for you too.
+ 1
@Netkos Ent Thank you very much bro this really clears my mind knowing your experience.
Sure why not.Lets play som cs sometime lol.my steam name is: Bobby skinhub.com (a picture of a panda) lol.thanks again bro
+ 1
@Netkos Ent thanks againg bro.okay i will accept the request but i don't think i am able to play tonight tho.we will see about that.