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What really is an indenting Block???
and also indention ???
7 Respostas
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Indenting your code helps to improve readability of code. Python emphasis on Indentation becz like other programming languages Python doesn't use braces to tell starting and ending of block, instead Python uses indentation Like
for i in myList:
print (i)
print ("Iterations )
print ("Loop Ended")
above code works fine but this tab space (Indentation) show the start and end of the loop.
If your remove the tab space
for i in myList:
print (i) # This will end up with error
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So indention mean tab space , right??
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yes, indention means moving text to the right with the tab key (or at least one space).
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Hi Manish,
Indenting is used in Python for multiple reasons. Waqas provides a great detailed answer.
Simply, indenting is required in order for your Python code to run properly. It also makes it easier to read, which is great when working with other coders.
To indent a line of code, just hit the 'Tab' key once before typing that line or hit the 'Space' bar a few times.
I hope this helps, cheers!
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to understand it let a loop..
for i in range(10):
now in these loop the 'for' is statement.
The code
is indented under the statement 'for'.
A set of code is called block. So it is said that block is indented under 'for' statement or 'for' loop.
why indention is used in python?
for ease of read and understand the codes. In c language curly braces are used where there a loop starts. when you read code in c you often get confused in the codes.
but python gives opportunity of indention so you understand each set of code easily. while in c the codes usually get mixed.
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indentation is either tabs or spaces on the left side of a line of code. Indentation blocks refers to multiple lines that are indented the same.
in most languages, developers just use indentation blocks to make code easier and quicker for developers to read and make sense of. Common times include 1) code within loops (when a section of code will repeatedly be acted on): so people can easily see what won't repeat and what will; 2) where you have different blocks of code that will run depending on some condition
In python it is enforced (by errors) so that developers can't cut corners - it has the benefit is that if you are altering code you won't have deal with that particular form of hard to read code, it also allows python to not need characters to mark where loops and conditional code blocks end.
(some people have strong preferences to one or the other, but the main important thing is make a choice and stick to it throughout your code)
the correct word is indentation. indention is not a word.