What does floating point values means?
3 Respostas
int is used for integers only but in float the value also include decimals
floating point is a number of 4 bytes, which basically means you can store like 6 digits accurately before you get truncation and round off errors.
floating point numbers are a subset of the real numbers that can be represented in a computer.
Quite some time ago, the first implementation for real numbers had fixed sizes for the integer and the fractional part (the parts left and right of the point). This is inefficient, if you want to put any real number in the computer and expect the computer to represent the number in the best way possible with the memory given for the number format.
These number are called "fixed point" or "fixed precision numbers" today.
Consequentially, the expert engineers at IEEE introduced a number format that can represent numbers with flexible precision and as the point may move between the digits represented by that format it's called "floating point".
As the point for real numbers can be at any positions in the digits.