+ 1

Best challengers for Python

I need a list of good challengers in Python so that I can spam them chalenges repeatedly. Please help. Thanks!

2nd Nov 2017, 6:05 AM
7 Respostas
+ 10
One does not spam the holy Q&A for such useless questions. But well, I have to help. Some good challengers: Me Kuba Siekierynski Joelle Mbatchou blackcat1111 Casey Hampson Balakrishnan Naveen Mani Kumar (and some others)
2nd Nov 2017, 6:09 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬 - avatar
+ 12
Jennifer, you can spam me with challenges too:)
2nd Nov 2017, 6:38 AM
Tato - avatar
+ 9
Then go ahead. Tough life ahead.
2nd Nov 2017, 6:14 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬 - avatar
+ 8
First verify your account. Apparently you haven't verified your account. Provide your email and then go to your email and verify your account
2nd Nov 2017, 6:12 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇾🇬 - avatar
+ 4
Okay. But I feel uncomfortable sharing my email to some unknown organisation. They could be scammers in disguise acting nice.
2nd Nov 2017, 6:13 AM
+ 3
Thank you sir. I will challenge these people continuously. I won't post such questions again. I am a student who is learning Python for my leisure
2nd Nov 2017, 6:11 AM
+ 3
same here
2nd Nov 2017, 11:05 AM
Marcus - avatar