Nt frm computer science background. & want to make website. just completed html css javascript and php here. suggest next step
new learner of coding
3 Respostas
+ 2
Make a 'blueprint' of your website, & start coding it. You can also learn more from W3Schools & Udemy.
+ 2
Well, since you mentioned PHP, I guess you might consider learning SQL as well, and since today's trend in web tech is frameworks and libraries, that part needs a closer look too, I suppose.
I, like you, am also still learning web tech, right now, all I can say to you is to keep practicing, learn new things, and also learn by looking at others' code, to know how they do what they do.
Best of luck with your website plan :)
+ 1
try develop simple website for yourself, client or for any reason at all. also look at from the business perspective. get the requirements for what the website would be first.
also surf for websites related to what u want to develop. always helps for inspiration