+ 4
Starting a blog.. any tips?
Hey everyone. I'm thinking about starting a blog. I have a general idea of design and layout. I haven't really narrowed down a topic yet because my interests are far and wide, so it will probably be pretty broad as far as subject matter goes. I really would appreciate any tips that anybody has to offer up.. cost involved besides hosting, problems that you've encountered, anything input would be awesome. Thanks guys!!
4 Respostas
+ 2
i don't know if I can give any useful tricks , but its awesome to have such goals 👍, give ur best.
what I can do is offer explanation or help for anything you might find useful in my codes ,
right now I am interested in SPAs ( single page Applications)
below s one simple demo
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Thank you! I really like that one that you posted above.. wonderful code and wonderful resource!
+ 1
thx Brittany 👍