+ 2
â â Site Reccomendations â â
What are the coding sites you think have been the most helpful to you? Comment down below. My Answers: Of course, sololearn.com And, w3schools.com (the first ever coding site I visited) To explore with a blank coding canvas, just type about:blank on the search bar. Then you can edit your code there. That's it. What are yours? đ
2 Respostas
+ 17
Here some websites to test your coding skills, don't worry about difficulty of each one, feel free to use Google to help you:
âą https://www.hackerrank.com
âą https://www.codewars.com
âą https://www.hackerearth.com
âą https://codecombat.com
âą https://projecteuler.net
âą https://brainwar.it
âą http://www.programmr.com
âą https://www.codechef.com
âą http://www.codeabbay.com
âą https://www.topcoder.com
âą https://coderbyte.com
âą https://leetcode.com
âą http://exercism.io
âą https://codefights.com
âą http://www.cyber-dojo.org
âą http://codingbat.com
âą http://www.pythonchallenge.com
âą https://codegolf.stackexchange.com
âą https://www.codingame.com
âą http://www.programmr.com
âą https://programmingpraxis.com
+ 4
my first coding site I visited was codecademy and i like because of interface and interactivity.
and than of course w3schools. it's my favourite coding website and i'm glad that we're now working with it in my school right now