Suggestion: Updating Swift Materials and adding a compiler.
Hi I just wanted to give a suggestion for the Swift in your amazing app. After finishing a lesson I find out the comments that the syntax has been changed in the latest version. So please update it to Swift 4 or 3 at least. Another thing is it possible to bring a compiler for Swift to test codes directly in the app? Do you agree with me community? Thanks Waleed
10 Respostas
I agree we should be able to learn offline as well
I learn by practicing so I meant we should be able to code offline as well
I m using my coputer and visual studious community program but I like learning when I m not home. I hope they be able to develope a ide for android
idk how I got this but:
thank you :)
I am still able to code on my iPhone 6 plus using this website: https://swift.sandbox.bluemix.net
and it is good for practicing but coding inside the app and sharing the code in SoloLearn would be faster and more effective.