Write a program to return the area of Geometricshapes square and rectangle. Area of square is side*side, rectangle is length*breadth. The controlling class should display the following menu and respond to the user’s selection Mean 1. Calculate area of square 2. Calculate area of rectangle 3. Quit Enter your choice (1-3):
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3 Respostas
+ 1
It is an easy program use switch case block. First of all take user input and send it to switch and case block. Create function for each shape. get value from function and print it out. I will guide you if you have problem. If you want to become a programmer. Try it at your own self.
+ 1
That answer is not helpful at all. The game is usually set up with a field of 3x3. To win this game is only possible if you get 3 equal symbols in a row. Thus you might take a 2 D array to model the game area or you use collection objects for it. Consider iterating over the area and try to find out where symbols are placed in a row
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