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What is a comment??
19 Respostas
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The comment tag is used to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not displayed in the browsers.
You can use comments to explain your code, which can help you when you edit the source code at a later date. This is especially useful if you have a lot of code.
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a comment is a small text that you write on your code to make it more clear. Notice that it is only informative and it has no effect on the code itself
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to document your code, you should make comments in your code. it makes it easier to understand your scripting.
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And its represented by <!--text goes here -->
comments keep the computer from reading whats inside and getting "confused". Hope I was helpful to you :)
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Comments are very Important in HTML because to understand your code and remember that what are you do next or pre.
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comment is a txt that we include in our code because whenever you read your code the comment is helpful to understand that what you have write in your code and comments are not executable...
comments are used for user understanding
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Comment is a text in your code to make it easier to read ir to under stand which doesent appear in your output š
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Comments are explanation of scripts or tag that programmer use for itself or others. They don't affect programs.
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comment is what are you think. your put in <!--this is comment--> delete "this is comment" and put what are you think .for example
<!--this is my first paragraph and my comment-->
<p> hy. how are you, are you okay. I hope i can help you</p>
<!--sorry about my english-->
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small text one write to easen understanding
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A comment makes it easy for a code inspector to understand what is happening
A comment is a stuff that won't appear on your web page. You use it for better readability of the code. In HTML , the comment is typed between <!-- -->
for eg :
<!-- This is a comment -->
In the above line , the content 'This is a comment' won't appear on the webpage.
A comment is a text describing what the element does, written by the coder to help a person who is trying to understand the code, understand it better.
comment tag isn't displayed , it's only for the user's to understand your code.
Comments are invisible in browser.
It gives important information of your code to programmer's.
Always write a brief description about your code in comments; it helps your team in better understanding of code.
Comments are of 2 types -
1. Single Line &
2. Multiple Line (block comments)
i am 13, but i learn php))) but you don't know what is a coment)) oh...
what helps a reader understand his/her code ..(documentation of your code)