+ 10
What is the difference between Bold text and strong text!/?
17 Respostas
+ 16
You mean <b> vs <strong>? The short answer is: just use <strong>.
The long answer:
Semantics! In the HTML 4 Standard (here to be precise: https://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/present/graphics.html#edef-B) it says that <b> is supposed to render text as bold. And that's it! These days it's generally agreed upon that for all design stuff we should be using CSS, and HTML should only convey *meaning*. <b> carries no meaning, like <h1> or <table> do, all it does is "render text as bold".
You can tell by how they changed it's definition in HTML 5 (http://w3c.github.io/html-reference/b.html#b) that they sound a bit embarrassed that it even exists :D "offset text conventionally styled in bold", I mean c'mon.
<strong> however represents "text with strong importance" (http://w3c.github.io/html-reference/strong.html#strong) and the standard says nothing about boldness. Browsers just happen to render <strong> text as bold by default. Since bold stuff is usually important anyway, <strong> seems like a logical choice!
+ 5
strong text is fitted bold text is fat
+ 3
From the HTML lessons:
Browsers display <strong> as <b>, and <em> as <i>.
However, the meanings of these tags differ: <b> and <i> define bold and italic text, respectively, while <strong> and <em> indicate that the text is "important".
So although the visual representation is basically idential. <Strong> is generally used to identify important text
+ 2
To be honest, there isnt much of a difference....
+ 2
Strong has meaning, while bold is visual eye candy. Applications viewing the code will react differently to the two, based on the programming and user settings. Someone with a visual disability might use something that voices a page, at which point, strong is voiced strongly, while bold might be overlooked and voiced like any other text. You can also use <em>, over italics to emphasize text.
It could probably be used by search engines differently too, since they like to search your page for quotes to put under links. Semantic tags should be used in their proper place when making a page. You never know who will be viewing them with what new application in the future.
+ 1
Fill in the correct tags:
important text
subscripted text
b tag is used just to make the text bold
strong tag is used to make the line bold which is important to me..
for eg:
<b>this line is just bold</b>
<strong>this line is important(while writing code i know this line is important coz i used the strong tag)</strong>
hope it helps..
else it depends on the coder wat to use personally i preffer this method..
Well <strong> is more stable to use then <b> because <strong> supports mobile users when <b> doesn't
I'm stuck on the way to put the strong and em and I in the other places
sasha grey
bold text just bold and don't.important but strong text are important like address and use the strong is matter because engine search find important word or terms and show your web site quickly
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just strong for a important text we used and b not important only be bold and this importance for search engine
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