If I learn python I will be able ti make webpages so what is the benefit of learning HTML???

If I learn python I will be able ti make webpages so what is the benefit of learning another language which we use it to make web pages??(like HTML?)

27th Dec 2017, 9:50 AM
Omar - avatar
10 Respostas
+ 4
And how exactly you are going to avoid HTML to create web pages with Python? Python may only be used on the server side. Web browser can only show HTML (and other static stuff like images, svgs and plain text), and execute client side languages like JS. PS: If you have no idea of how the web stack works, or where to begin your learning, just start from HTML, then CSS, then JS. Everything else after those three. Because those three are kinda unavoidable.
27th Dec 2017, 10:01 AM
+ 2
@Omar o, Exactly. HTML is absolutely essential. As I've said in the post scriptum, if you want to learn web development, start with HTML, then learn CSS and JavaScript, after that move to a backend language. A web browser (mostly) shows HTML documents. HTML is not really a "programming" language, but a markup language. It uses tags to define elements on the page, such as paragraphs, titles, lists, general blocks, links, images, etc. HTML is really easy to learn. CSS is a language, used to define styles of the HTML elements. It's also essential to any webdev, and is very easy to learn. Also, with CSS you'll learn one very important thing: CSS selectors. They will get very handy for doing anything with the HTML document from the code. JavaScript is a real programming language. It's code is executed by a web browser. It allows adding interactivity to otherwise static web page. Contrary to HTML and CSS, it is a real thing, so it has a real learning curve. Not to mention numerous frameworks you can use with it. Those three make up a frontend stack. You can create a lot of interesting stuff with them. But most real websites are not just static web pages with client side js scripts, so there are also backend or server side languages. Backend programs sit on a server and reply to the client's requests. You can use Python as a backend language. Backend languages may often generate HTML documents, but still, you need to know HTML to create program, that generates it. So, TL;DR: To get into web development, you must learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, preferibly in that order, and then you may move to a backend language of your choice (if you don't want to be a frontend only specialist).
29th Dec 2017, 7:33 PM
+ 1
martin I am beginner in programing so I didnt understand all what u said😂😂 u mean that HTMl is important in webpages and without it I will not be able to make a good webpage???
29th Dec 2017, 5:00 PM
Omar - avatar
Benefit: You can create websites.
27th Dec 2017, 9:54 AM
Timon Paßlick
u mean that I cant make webpages without HTML??
27th Dec 2017, 9:32 PM
Omar - avatar
27th Dec 2017, 9:33 PM
Timon Paßlick
put I think I can do this with python cant I???
27th Dec 2017, 9:34 PM
Omar - avatar