Update entire column possible?
Can you use entire columns from one table to update a column in another? UPDATE Products. quantity SET Stock.qty WHERE Product.id = Stock.id ;
5 Respostas
+ 2
That query is unfortunately wrong, you gave instruction to update Products table but at the same time gave a targeted field from Stock table, and there is no new value following the SET Stock.Qty. I might have misunderstood your point, but AFAIK it's a faulty SQL command.
Can you give a little more information about what you want to achieve here, and probably, the tables structure so people here can offer suggestions or maybe, a solution : )
+ 2
Well that's tricky, it's between databases rather than tables now isn't it? I'm afraid it would take more than just a simple update statement to accomplish that.
What steps have you tried anyway? and how did it go? I can try to help you find a solution maybe (no guarantee) in the meantime, you might want to look for a way to import the table from the old database into the new one.
+ 1
From which table to which table? is this an inventory data? how is the system flow if you don't mind me asking.
want to basically copy quantity amounts from one table to another
k its just like moving the data from a old database to a new one that has the rest of the information already except quantity