Printing numbers in pyramid form.
I want to print out this with Java and don't want to use array 0 012 0123 01234 012345
15 Respostas
+ 3
It goes something like this:
(run the code)
PS. Please don't judge that code, I'm not a web/js type of guy.
+ 4
// With one loop
int height = 5, i = 0;
String s = "";
System.out.println(s += i);
while (i++ < height);
+ 3
This doesn't need arrays. What you need is two nested loops: outer one goes from zero to height, inner one āĀ from zero to current value of the outer loop counter. Inside the inner loop print the inner loop counter, just after the inner loop print newline.
+ 3
Your inner loop counter increment isn't right. Instead of i=j there should be i++. Here's complete snippet, you almost got it right anyway:
int height = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ 1
Generally, texts are printed horizontally, to print a text in a new line, you have to print a new line char (ā\nā), then print your text.
+ 1
Awesome, thanks. I believe you did great
+ 1
I'll try, but a bit later. For now, I'd like to point out, that I've changed it, just after posting it here. It was a bit incorrect, so your copy is outdated.
Anyway, that code is a really badly structured mess. You shouldn't learn from it, as it's a bad example. I did it in js only because it's the only way to show anything animated here. Also, the worse is a code, the harder it is to read/understand/explain. And that one is bad.
+ 1
Commented as requested. Hope it helps. Ask if anything specific isn't clear.
PS. Set delay to 50 and enjoy the party!
+ 1
I can't edit your codes, so I commented mine. And also, as I've said, your copy is a bit outdated. It shows for loops execution wrong. So throw it away and get a fresh copy.
Thanks but I don't seem to understand the inner loop method. Here's what I could jot down from your explanation
for (j=0;j<7;j++) {
for (i=0; i<j; i=j)
Is this what you mean??
Just noticed that I've made a little error that makes the code produce output like this:
which is a bit ugly, as it prints newline before the actual output, and also the height isn't correct. See if you can fix it to produce output like this:
Hint: That would be a small change in both loops.
My question is this, when printing out these codes I mean both codes, does Java print then horizontally or vertically, still trying to wrap my heads as to how these codes work.
Please can you comment the working code you sent to me, I am a js guy, beginner tho. I want to understand the code.
You commented my version or your version?