+ 32
Sololearn Compilers
The sololearn compilers for c++, Java, Ruby, python and C# all ask for input before the execution of a program. This is totally frustrating any program requiring multiple inputs nearly become impossible to use. Imagine I make a tic tac toe program in any of the languages. The compiler will ask for all the inputs before the user can see program's move. What tic-tac-toe if I make any program requiring sequential input and output it will just be not possible. Also look at the C++ compiler sometimes it seems to implement C++11 standards and at other times not. Some common header files like graphics.h are also not recognized by it. Also I tried using sleep and delay functions for some kind of animation but that also went into vain.
8 Respostas
+ 4
yes thats right but I like sololearns compiler I think they shouldnt use alert boxe to do that thing
+ 3
There is also the annoying 'Time limit exceeded'. =|
+ 2
Yes I tried a python program that asks for input based on the first input, but I realized that it would not let me do it. I guess you just have to work with the limitations. They really did terrific making all the compilers on the website and apps in the first place, though.
+ 2
try www.repl.it
+ 2
yeah .. i got downvotes because my code didn't work in sololearn's compiler .. they should do something
+ 2
I think a solution is to add a comment saying what inputs will be asked of the user, or that they need to use it in [blank] compiler to work.
+ 2
Exactly! We can`t make a dynamic game because of sololearn's way of asking user input.
I have the same problem in Ruby, I wanted to make a 'Find out the number' game, but inputs depend on the previous inputs, so it cant be done here.