+ 3

Which programming concepts can be compared and contrasted?

<h2>Wha different concepts can you contrast</h2> E.g Inheritance vs composition Function template vs function overloading Pass by reference vs pass by value etc

10th Jan 2018, 10:59 PM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar
5 Respostas
+ 3
Lemme get this ball rolling Call by reference vs call by value Functional & declarative vs imperative & procedural programming Iteration vs recursion Divide and conquer vs brute force vs branch and bound vs greedy vs backtracking vs dynamic algorithms Linear (arrays, linked list, stacks, queue) vs dynamic (hash tables, trees, graphs) data structures Classes vs structs Binary vs decimal vs hexadecimal number system Stack vs heap memory Any other ideas? Or am I the only one who cares about stuff like this?
10th Jan 2018, 1:37 AM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar
+ 3
static vs. dynamic typing compiled vs. interpreted code time vs. memory tradeoffs monolith vs. microservices single- vs. multithreaded lambda calculus vs. turing machines
11th Jan 2018, 1:50 AM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 2
Functors vs lambda functions Virtual functions (dynamic binding) vs non virtual functions(static binding) Runtime error vs compile time error
10th Jan 2018, 1:12 PM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar
+ 2
To me, this stuff is important because from a learning perspective, It is good to have an overview of what you are learning. It’s like having a map, you should have a birds eye view and zoom in when necessary.
13th Jan 2018, 5:51 PM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar
+ 1
low level vs high level performance vs readability vs productivity
11th Jan 2018, 10:05 PM
Rabee Abbas
Rabee Abbas - avatar