Q&A DiscussÔes
what languages are needed to allow customers to upload a form to a server, which can then be displayed on another page (Similar to ebay). i cant wrap my head around what code is needed (other than the method=post)...i have created a database using sql but cant make sense of how to allow a user to enter details...for it to then appear on the home page of my website for example. many thanks!
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2 RespostasButton Question?
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2 RespostasCould someone please help me with this..
Write code for an applet class that contains three labels First Number, Second Number, and Sum; three text fields for displaying the values of First Number, Second Number, and Sum, respectively; a button labeled Add. The applet allows the user to enter two integer values and displays the Sum if the Add button is clicked.
Write a html page to run and display the applet appropriately
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4 RespostasQuente hoje
HTML/CSS questions
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Certificate Problem
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How to learn css and html
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what the hell is going on this lessons cause i cant undrstand anything on any of the lessons
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