+ 2
Where can I learn this? Some of its java, some is just Computer Science
What I need to learn- null, this, super, super.method(args), super(args), this.var, this.method(args), this(args), instanceof Conversion to supertypes and (Subtype) casts Bitwise operators (<<, >>, &, ~, |, ^, >>=, <<=,!=, &=, |=, ^=) Pattern class, Regex (. + * \d \D \s \S \w \W [abc] [^abc] [a-zA-Z]) , matches Generic collections (Collection, List, Set, Map, Stack, Queue, PriorityQueue, ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap) See supplemental class reference list. Stacks, Queues, Binary Trees, Linked Lists, Heaps, Hash Tables, Priority Queues, Graphs
6 ответов
+ 5
For all computer science take a look at crash course to computer science
Linear data structures
-array[] // you know what an array is😉
-linked list (each entry contains data and the address to the next item in the list)
-stack ( an implementation of linked list. just like a stack of books, the last item on top is the first out, no removing from the middle)☝️
-queue (an implementation of a linked list. Like a supermarket queue, the first one in is the first out)
Dynamic data structures
-binary tree(has a parent node and 2 children nodes, each child node can have a maximum of 2 children, easy to search)
-set (implementation of a tree structure , data is automatically sorted, doesn’t accept duplicate values)
-map(implementation of a hash table with a key and value pair)
-graphs(each node can have multiple connections and form a circuit unlike trees)
Please share your knowledge
+ 4
When in doubt, search web for term. It should give you answers you can understand. It will list language reference documentation and tutorials that exists on that subject.
If you fail finding an answer you understand, pick the one that makes the most sense to you. Post a link to it with a description of what left you confused and someone will try to explain it so you do understand.
+ 2
Sorts (Selection, Insertion, Mergesort, Quicksort) and Searches (Sequential, Binary) – same canonicals as AP
Analysis of algorithms: informal comparison of running times, exact calculation of statement execution counts, Big-O notation, best case / worst case / average case time and space analysis
Two’s complement binary representation of negative 8-bit integers – conversion both ways between base 10 and base 2
Boolean simplification using generic notation (A*B,A+B,AÅB,�, � ∗ �,� + �,�Å� – using truth tables and Boolean Identities to analyze and simplify Boolean expressions (see list of identities on UIL CS website)
+ 2
these ones I kind of know but am not 100% strong at ----
User-Defined Classes (constructors, methods, instance variables, private vs. public, overloading, overriding, final local variables, static final class variables, static methods, static non-final variables)
Constructors and initialization of static variables, default initialization of instance variables
Concepts of inheritance, abstract classes, interfaces and polymorphism
Boolean expressions and operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, &&, ||, !, &, |, ^) including short-circuit evaluation
System.out.print(),println(),printf(), %f, %d, %s, escape sequences \n, \\, \”
Parsing (String.split(), Integer.parseInt(), Double.parseDouble())
Java Standard Library (String, Integer, Double, Character, Math, Object, Comparable, Scanner, Random, Arrays) See supplemental class reference list.
Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort()
Recursion, Dynamic Programming
Polish notation – representation, analysis, and conversion of simple infix, prefix, and postfix expressions
+ 1
Okay, thanks! that will help a lot. What do you mean by share my knowledge?
If anyone can explain any of these concepts simply, please do so. 👍