How to return an Array
Help please , can I return an array from a function ? or only I can pass it to a function ??
4 ответов
+ 5
just to clarify
an array is actually a pointer which point to the address of start of the array, so there is no problem returning it, just as scott demonstrated.
also when you pass an array to a function you actually passing it starting adress, so any alterations to it will be valid in the function that called the function which made those alterations.
so when you allocate array of integers for example:
int * arr = new int[3];
and let's assume that the first adress that was given is 100, and knowing that integer takes 4 bytes,
then arr[0] adress is 100
arr[1] adress is 104
arr[2] address is 108
and also don't forget when you allocate memory using the 'new' command, you should not forget to eventually delete it using 'delete' command
+ 3
Here is a small example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int * TestFunc ();
int main ()
int * NewArray;
NewArray = TestFunc (); // Call the test function and assign the address of the returned array into NewArray
cout << NewArray[0] << ' ' << NewArray[1] << endl;
return 0;
int * TestFunc ()
int SomeArray [2] = {5, 6};
return SomeArray;
Keep in mind this does not copy the whole array around, rather it assigns the address.
thanks you both , i will try it ;)
Thank you @scott johnson
Thank you @Burey
It works . There was only stack problem because when I use new pointer it will disappear after exit the function (specially I use separated class file (.h .cpp) ), so i solved that by using heap memory .
thanks again